Kamis, 26 November 2015

Sengkaling park

Sengkaling park is good destination for spending holiday. When your family or your friend confuse towards looking for place for spending holiday. You an promote to them there is a good place near by your campus. Beside the payment is inexpensive, they could ask their childern to play on the playground there.

In Sengkaling park we might found Sengaling Food Festival too. There are many kind of food begin from kontinental food until oriental food. We should meet  Malang food too. If you feel corious you just need to go there quickly. Invite your friends and your family it’s the point. The payment will be with card so you can buy your food with that card.

One of my experience when i go there is, i gotta eat with my father over the kapal misteri. And i just pay about 12 thousand rupiah. Because on that day we gotta discount as muhammadiyah’s family. And on the previous day i go to sengkaling food festival with my high school classmate it like be my first time i go there.

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